Sounds of Life

AI Powered Smart Medical
Diagnostic Platform

Early exacerbation detection for CHF (Congestive Heart Failure) & COPD chronic patients using AI and Infrasound

Our Mission is to significantly improve the quality of life of home hospitalized chronic patient with an effective and professional tool for early warning of clinical deterioration that will advance the treatment provided by the insurers and reduce the cost for the healthcare system.

The Sanolla promise

Early Detection & Monitoring, at Home

An intuitive self assessment and monitoring device, the PyXy provides
patients with a piece of mind and a positive life impact from the comfort
of their own home, by providing indication of the clinical condition on
the device display based on AI technology. Ideally suited for:


  • Families with young children Elderly people
  • Immobilized, quarantined or patients suffering from chronic


Smart monitoring device with
real time feedback and multi
mode functionality (fully
embedded processor)

Infrasound based

Pulmonary and Cardiac

Superior sound
quality: device
and remote user

Patient specific – remote
update and communication
(Smartphone App,
cloud services)

Continuous Deep
Machine Learning
exacerbation detection

platform (eSIM)

Our Technology

The Sound of Ingenuity


Expanded auscultation
sensory range presenting
novel data with potentially
unparalleled clinical value

Delivering crucial medical information by analyzing the body’s full spectrum of sounds including the invaluable infrasound range

Making Infrasound Accessible
Making Infrasound Accessible
  • Our body produces infrasound – undetectable to the human ear
  • Infrasound contains clinically significant data
  • As of now, this vital information was not available
  • By using frequency shifting algorithms we convert infrasound into audible range
  • Presenting the full body sound spectrum in a proprietary sound signature

Improving patient care with cutting-edge devices

SaaS – On Unit Embedded AI
  • Full-spectrum based AI disease classifiers
  • Detects patient’s condition based on sounds resonating from the chest area
  • Allows self-assessment and self-monitoring to identify improvement or exacerbation
  • Does not require web connectivity for integration
AI based Disease Classification

About us

Founded in 2016 by a team of visionary industry experts with a mission of enhancing primary care, for health care professionals and patients, Sanolla leads the world’s first AI based infrasound auscultation  technology.Capturig and analyzing the body’s full spectrum of sounds providing critical medical data at reduced costs while notably improving patients’ lives. The company has 3 product lines with promising clinical results, is ISO 13485 certified, FDA cleared, with several technology patents and it operates in the multibillion-dollar primary care diagnostic devices market.

Management Team

Doron Adler, PhD

Founder & CEO

Olympus US - CTO

Olympus Israel - CEO


Cbyond - Founder & CEO
(Sold to Olympus)


Given Imaging - VP R&D



Gadi Lowy

Business Development

Sabar Health - Home Hospital
Vice Chairman


Amal Group - Senior VP


HMC - VP BD & Marketing


Rabin Medical Center
Head - Medical Services

Ezra Salomon


Olympus Israel Senior Manager - Software


Senior Software Engineer


Prof. Shmuel Banai, MD


Tel-Aviv Sourasky MC
Director of Cardiology Division


Tel Aviv University Professor of Cardiology


Neovasc - Founder & CMO


Board of Directors

Gideon Sturlesi


Lumenis –
EVP & GM Lumenis Vision


Galil Medical –
Co. Founder & GM Galil Inc.


Rafael – Anti Armor BU
BD & Strategic Planning


Doron Adler, PhD


Olympus US - CTO


Olympus Israel - CEO


Cbyond - Founder & CEO
(Sold to Olympus)


Given Imaging - VP R&D


Hadar Ron, MD


Managing Partner


Harel Insurance & Finance
Head of Claims Dep.


Itamar Offer, MD


Sabar Health
Chairman & President


Herzliya Medical Center - CEO


Clalit Health – HMO
CMO – Tel-Aviv District


Dan Cohen


Next Leap Ventures


VP Strategy & BD


Head of Strategic Planing


Elie Balas


Elie Balas has been the Chairman of the Board and Director of Business Development for Menchie's since 2008.

In addition to his duties with Menchie's, Elie serves as the Executive Director of Ami Adini & Associates, Inc., an environmental consulting company.



The Sound of Partnerships

Contact Us

    19 Hamesila St., Nesher 3688519, Israel